Friday 28 August 2020

Unsinkable Reading Task

 This week we read about the Titanic.  I created an acrostic poem to show some key words that happened.

Thursday 20 August 2020

My Free Writing

 I was hanging off of a cliff, my life flashing before my eyes and, no wait I’m kidding

I woke up this morning, my alarm screaming in my ears. After about 10 minutes of beeping and whining I finally got out of bed, to see my mum passed out on the floor of intoxication. So I ran over to her and slapped her face to see if she was awake. With one eye she peered at me and said “leave me alone!”. I said back to her “Who’s gonna make my lunch for school then?”. Then the weirdest thing happened, my dad smashed down the door with his mobility scooter. This kids is why you should never drink and drive. Then the bell rang again and then at that moment in time I realised it was all just a dream.Well welcome to my nights sleep.